Sunday, January 21, 2007


We again were able to spend the entire day alone with Marty. I can't believe how trusting he is of us. We have picture cards for him to use to communicate if he wants to call the interpreter or return to the orphanage...I offer these options to him throughout each day but he always shakes his head and says--" Ney, Ney, Ney" (no,no,no)- Today we went to a little market and he picked out a raw carrot. We bought it just to make him happy --not really thinking he would want to eat it (sausage and fried fish, remember...) but don't you know, with hand and arm gestures, he let me know that he wanted it washed for eating...And then he ate the entire thing--raw...he also ate sausage --Which is the most we have seen him eat in the entire time we've been together combined---and then ...we discovered that he loves ALTOIDS!! Not a big fan of chocolate or any other candy--but the kid loves altiods! How funny. He is so very expressive and makes his wants and needs known with hand and facial expressions.. Tonight when we returned him to the orphanage, he again cried. He told the staff that he wanted to sleep with his mama and daddy..But before that he told them that he very much liked our kitchen --that we could even cook the sausage "right in the kitchen"..We realized that the kitchen in our apartment was the first one he had ever seen!! We spent most of the day drawing, working puzzles, reading books (the caregiver told us that he is the only child there that consistently requests books rather than toys) and playing ball-(he loves to throw velcroe balls at the velcro "dart " board and at Chip's shirt). He is really just the cutest thing.
He has not been frightened since the resturaunt incident so we will try to take him again to a resturaunt on Turesday. We need to continue to expose him to new things --otherwise the airports will totally scare him... Tomorrow we will go to court. Chip and I both have to testify to the judge--Again, please pray that she grants us a waiver of 40 days--after seeing his back and hips (which are worse than I thought), I feel the medical justification (to waive the 40 days) is quite strong.
Well, again Marty continues to amaze both of us. He is so much fun. Unfortunately, we probably will not get to see him tomorrow (court) but may pick him up on Tuesday for good..Tahnk you agagin for all of your prayers..Love , K


aunt lee lee said...

I am typing for Nana Banana, she says that she is praying for all three of you and is very anxious for him to get here. She also wanted to know what size he is but i persuaded her to buy books instead (thank you lisa!;) )

aunt lee lee said...

Well guys, it sounds like you are having a blast. You did know that Papa has a little obscession (sp?) with Altoids? He is always packing. So i am sure Marty will have an endless supply. Dave is quite excited, someone to eat is fried fish (thank goodness!). When you describe Marty he sounds like the perfect combination of you two. K's expressions and C's love of books and ball. Amazing! Be safe, and we are praying that your day tomorrow is blessed and that the judge waives the 40 days. Love, Me

Gigi said...

well i already see one prayer answered: that sam is comfy w/you guys and you pick up like you've always been together. we are praying very specifically for the 40 day waiver.

love you all. gigi

sarah said...

Chip and Kristin
You are in my thoughts and prayers for tommorrow and I can't wait to hear good news tomorrow night. I just know that you will get to bring him home soon!

aunt lee lee said...

Please everyone call your congressman if the 40 day waiver is not waived. Start immediately, they work for us and this is probably the one situation that we need to burn their phones up with, Love Me

aunt lee lee said...

K, I am signing off for the night, I just wanted you to know that we are praying for you, chip, and marty. I pray that the judge waives the 40 days and sends Marty home quickly. And if the 40 days are there, comfort each heart and help you through each day. It will only be a blink in your lives. I love you all. So very much. Me

jim, lesley, mikah & paige said...

Chip and Kristin,
Thanks sooo much for writing about your experiences there! I keep checking every day for more updates--like a new page in a great novel! Marty/Sam sounds like one extraordinary little boy...and its such a privelege to be sharing part of this great adventure with you! We will certainly be praying for your day in court tomorrow. May our Soverign Lord surround you with His perfect peace. Love, Lesley :)