Friday, August 19, 2011


Although Sam's back is doing better, he is now fighting a nasty urinary track infection (MRSA) that he can't seem to kick. He is taking heavy antibiotics and feels pretty yucky. He has spiked a temp a couple of times, but so far we have been able to get it down and avoid the ER. Chip leaves today for DC. We are still in Columbus, with my parents. Prayers appreciated...


Deborah Hodge said...

I have all of ya'll on my heart and in my thoughts so much. Frequent prayers for you all. Sam, Mr. Edd got a new ORANGE big tractor last summer. can't wait for you to come take it for a spin. This one drives very easy. Kobota brand. It it so orange that it makes your eyes hurt. Has a large bucket on the front and wide bush hog on back. Love ya'll Deborah

ostorey2003 said...

I hope he is ok