Thursday, August 18, 2011

Home--sort of...

Sam was discharged from the hospital late Tuesday afternoon. He contracted a urinary track infection for which he is receiving antibiotics, but we still thought he would do better at home. So far, we were right. We are at my parents home (in Columbus) and my mother (Super Gmother that she is) is thrilled to cook anything Sam thinks he might consider eating. The threat of another IV has kept Sam drinking enough to stay hydrated. (Compared the trauma his body has endured, an IV is minor, but it still packs a punch to his psyche.) So all and all, we are rocking along. Maybe not rocking..

Ironically and sadly, Dr Devito, the gifted doctor who performed Sam's surgery, was in a cycling accident and broke his neck a few days ago. According to his office, he is expected to make a full recovery but he wont be practicing anytime soon. Please remember him in your prayers.

Many of you have asked how Isa is doing with all of this turmoil. She has been staying with my sister and her two teenage cousins. She has spent a good bit of time with them over the past year so it was a very comfortable setting for her. Our family was reunited yesterday. Although not overly concerned about Sam, Isa seemed genuinely happy to see me and Chip. Don't get me wrong, Isa doesn't bear Sam any ill will, but she doesn't comprehend/believe the magnitude his surgery. As she put it (describing a wealthy family in Colombia), "Fancy doctors tell reech (rich) people stuff so dey (they) have drama like tv." Isa is not (usually) into drama. She has a grit-your-teeth-and-bear-it-kind of philosophy and she respects mental and physical toughness. considering her background, this isn't surprising. So as you pray for Sam, please remember Isa. Her scars are not so visible, but they are still just as disabling...

Thank you for all the emails of encouragement and, as always, we thank you for your prayers. We couldn't walk this path without you.

blessings, K

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