Monday, January 13, 2014

So somehow one of the boys configured my Facebook account so that each time I tried to log in I was redirected to Temple Run. Seriously, how is this possible? Just now is the first time I have been able to take the time to fix it....anyway, the boys are doing better every day. Now that we have a good bedtime system, evenings are going much better also. The only problem is that Chip and I must be quiet as mice after we put the boys to bed bc we don't want to risk waking one of them-- creating a domino effect. We had a long day at the Embassy. What should have taken five minutes took several hours because they just changed the visa requirement paperwork...however as I just wrote someone else, they had a Disney movie playing and cookies, so it doesn't get much better than that for my boys! As I said they are doing great but there are some battles I have chosen not to even begin, like taking a bath. I don't want to freak anyone out , but I'm not sure they will have a true bath before we get back to the States. If cleanliness is next to godliness, then we have a bunch of heathens running around here....

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