Thursday, August 2, 2007

Ortho visit

Yesterday we went to see another orthopedic surgeon. He was far more encouraging than the last one we saw and recommended that we have spinal surgery sooner rather than later, possibly even before we leave in December. This surgeon is recommending a slightly different type of spinal surgery and and a radically different hip surgery. He said that the spinal surgery is a very serious but that "his odds are far better" than what we were originally told. So we've been give two different courses of action, two different prognoses... We have much thinking and praying to do...

Thankfully Sam is very comfortable with Dr's visits these days. He constantly entertains the medical staff. Yesterday he began giving the X-ray technicians instruction about how high the X-ray machine should be positioned. He cracked everyone in the room up and came away with a handful of stickers.

Sam is a source of constant mirth for us also ....Last week we were reviewing the Bible story of the previous night- Joshua and the Battle of Jerico. (For those of you who are not familiar- At God's instruction, Joshua and the Israelite Army marched around the walls, blew their horns and the walls of the fortified city, Jerico, came down.) Well in Sam's rendition, Joshua "huffed and he puffed and he BLEW the house down." A story now referred to as "Joshua and the Three Little Pigs"... We have a little work ahead of us...

As always -thank you for your continued love, prayers and support...K

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