Sunday, April 15, 2007

Two blogs in one day...

Two blogs in one day...figured I would also add a few pics..Enjoy..K


Renee said...

Kristen, you don't know me, but I was in Chip's youth group a good 20 years ago. My brother Jonathan forwarded your blog site to us, and I have enjoyed trying to catch up on your journey. Sam is such a handsome boy and your home looks like sooo much fun for a little boy! You might have insprired me to be a little more creative. And I loved the "up, up, up" post. Definitely sounds like you and Chip are really making an impact on his life.

Joy Chalmers said...

Sam is probably the cutest pirate I have ever laid eyes on! You're such a lucky mom...... and he's a lucky little guy to have such loving parents in you and Chip. All the best! Love, Joy and Adam