Monday, February 5, 2007


Quick update--C and I just had a moment --or rather 45 minutes--- of sheer panic--I realized that I left some tax forms that we needed at home..Fortunately, the Family Law Center rep (Dear Elona) and our Bethany reps--(God bless them all) saved the day!!
Hooah (that is Army-speak for "good job" and a whole lot of other things as well..) to the folks at Bethany and the Family Law Center!!
As we mentioned, we fly to Warsaw tomorrow. Wish I'd brought my camera tonight because I have some great pics of Sam and his box which has now morphed into a fishing barge--He continues to surprise us with his creativity! Unfortunately "The Box", which is on it's last leg anyway, will not make the flight to Warsaw--

Prayer warriors, please pray that we get through this last hurdle in Warsaw without any more glitches.

Love ,


Gigi said...

i can't believe it is fly time (i'm sure you can though)! we'll be praying and i can't wait to get the next blog via SC, USA!


kay said...

We are praying! Hoping for smooth sailing straight to Charlotte!

ling ling ping sing, will you email me, please?

aunt lee lee said...

K and C, still praying that all goes smoothly. Can't wait until you are here and we can kiss our sweet boy! I am so thrilled to meet Samuel Martynas Huey! What a blessing! Be safe, see you Thursday! love, Me

Kay, I sent an email a few minutes ago. If you don't receive it my email is! looking forward to chatting with you! Lisa

aunt lee lee said...

Gang, What a wonderful experience it has been. My sister is truly blessed to have such wonderful, caring friends. Thank you so much. Lisa

aunt lee lee said...

Probably the last time to blog before we leave tomorrow to meet the little family. Please continue to pray that they have a safe uneventful trip. K said they arrive in Charlotte around 9:30 tomorrow night. That will make us into Columbia around midnight. Again, what wonderful friends you are to my sis. Thank you. She is absolutely amazing and i'm not suprised at the amount of love and support for both of them. Take care and we'll blog after our little family is home. I don't know how we'll sleep tonite! Keep it up Prayer Warriors! Lisa

Gigi said...


so they arrive on thursday? this is great news, thanks! post any updates you might have or hear.


Jan said...

Welcome HOME Hueys!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait to see you guys. Keep us up to date on needs and prayer requests and anything we can do to help you settle back in!