Monday, February 23, 2009

Connect the Prayer Dots...

Three blog updates in a week.  Whoa!  I just remembered something  that happened this past summer that I hope will encourage you.  Before I get to this past summer, let me give you the background :

Long before we learned about our Sam, he was "listed" with Bethany Christian services, which is headquartered in Michigan.  There a group of prayer warriors sent out a call to churches around the country and asked them to pray specifically for Sam (known as Martynas at the time) and his two friends (Gytis and Wyatt- mentioned in previous posts--all with significant special needs) --that they would be adopted.  I am sure many churches stepped up and prayed for these kids.  The families of one church in particular, Cross Creek Presbyterian Church, in Fayetteville, NC, posted their pictures and consistently prayed for each of these boys...

The first to be adopted was Wyatt.  He was adopted by Heather and Scott Readington from California.  While in Lithuania for Wyatt's adoption, the Readingtons became smitten with Sam and committed to pray that he would be adopted soon.  They also decided that if  he wasn't adopted by another family before they could return, they would adopt him.   Before they even left Lithuania, God answered their prayer and they learned of our intention to adopt Sam.  

Eight months later, when we returned home from Lithuania with Sam,  Chip and I realized that we couldn't shake the image of a particular quiet little guy "lurking" in all of our pictures.   We both continued to pray for him, that he would be adopted soon.  We also decided that if able we would return to Lithuanina to adopt him.   When we inquired,  we were told that he had just matched with a family,  the Snydersin Tennessee.....Prayer answered again...

Fast forward two years to this past summer---One afternoon I was introduced to a lady, Shawn, who had just moved to Kansas.  We began to exchanged the basic get-to-know-you-information.  I began to tell a little of Sam's story when Shawn exclaimed, "No way"--- "I know your son," she said.  "He was sitting by a sand box." (A reference to the first picture we ever received of Sam.)  We realized that before Chip and I ever heard of Sam, that SHE (Shawn) and her church (Cross Creek) had been praying specifically for him and his friends.....Not only did God answer our prayers but He allowed us to get a glimpse of how He connected the "Prayer Dots" across the entire US (Michigan, SC, NC, California and Tenn) and all the way to Lithuania to orchestrate the adoption of these three boys...

Keep on praying, Saints.  God works through the prayers of His people...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

SInce we moved to GA...

WOW!  I cant believe so many of you still read our blog.   THANK YOU!!   Your questions are all the same..."What have we been up to since we moved to GA?"  

Well... we have been BUSY.   In route to GA  we were once again able to connect with Gytis, Waytt and their families.  (All three of the boys are disabled  in different ways and were adopted from the same orphange in Lithuania).  I never cease to be amazed when I see these kids pick up right where they left off.   They help each other in their area of weakness.  Those of us who get to watch them together are blessed. 
We moved into our home right before Christmas.  Somehow we managed to clear one little corner to put a tree up.    We were able to shoot most of the Christmas pics at just the right angle as to avoid the chaos and clutter in the rest of the house.  

The most unique thing about our new community of Peachtree City, GA is that it is laced with paved trails.  Sam and I can roll out our back door take these trails anywhere in our little city.  I can't tell you what freedom this brings to a kid in a wheelchair. 

Our biggest news is .....that we have officially begun the process of another international adoption.  We have a specific 11 yo (or 12 yo??--there is a descrepancy in her paperwork) girl in mind but God has several things to work out (finances and timing with Chip's deployment schedule to name a couple).   We have spent the last two months working hard to get our house "inspection ready" and to complete the mountain of paperwork.  If God brings us to mind please pray for us as there are so many things to do and so many details (NOT my strength!) .....

Again we continue to be amazed and humbled that you follow our story--a story about how this little family of sinners is loved by an awesome God..... 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Merry Christmas in February

Below you will find our Christmas letter, which, although written in November, never really made it out...Since written we have moved to Peachtree City, Georgia.  We have most--no..SOME of our boxes unpacked.  We love the weather but miss our Kansas friends....

                                                                               November 21, 2008 
Dear family and friends,
We’ve had another exciting and busy year.  In January we moved from South Carolina to Kansas and in December we will move to Georgia.  In between we will have unpacked a few things, laughed a good bit, made new friends, shed some tears, prayed a lot…and through it all discovered that God continues to be more than enough.  

Thank you for your prayers and support during Sam’s surgeries this year.  He is doing well, really well. Whether retelling the story of Jesus calming the storm (“Jesus told that storm ‘to just zip it!'”), tearfully confessing how our miniature Mary figurine went down the tub drain (“Daddy, Mary drowned.”), or writing poems about an aardvark named Chapped Lips, Sam keeps us on our toes and constantly laughing .     

This Christmas our sincere prayer is that like us, you will investigate the outrageous claims of Jesus and will find Him to be true and…more than enough.

Wishing you ENOUGH this Christmas, 
Chip, Kristin, and Sam

A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said wouldn't be a great moral teacher. He'd be either a lunatic - on a level with a man who says he's a poached egg - or else he'd be the devil of hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was and is the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse... But don't let us come up with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He hadn't left that open to us. He didn't intend to.     C.S. Lewis